Tag Archives: Sharing your faith

“Tell all that the Lord has done.” Ministry Update: Moving to London

“And when they arrived and gathered the church together, they declared all that God had done with them, and how He had opened a door to faith to the Gentiles.” Acts 14:27 

Looking at the text here in Act’s, I can imagine Paul getting excited talking about all that he has seen. I can imagine maybe Paul talking with his hands, elevating his voice with excitement, describing what preaching in Athens was like, being beaten, or standing up amazed at the open door given by the rulers of the synagogue asking him to share a word of encouragement (13:15). I call that “fish jumping in the boat.”  What is he excited about? It was not just the new things he has seen and heard. It was not just people being Born Again, it was all that God was doing. It was how God was using him, “the chief of sinners” to make known to the Gentiles the God who saves sinners (1 Timothy 1:15).

I too get excited after a great witnessing opportunity. Some nights I come walking in rather late and tell my family about a certain conversation or something that happened. I will eventually lay my head down and still be overwhelmed by all that I had seen and heard that night.   

But why am I excited? I love preaching, I love the fellowship with other believers that it brings. I love people stopping and listening, I rejoice so much when someone walk up weeping, having had their heart pricked by the Word. I rejoice even at being rebuked as I am made aware that they heard it. I then know who to pray for.

I am excited because I know that all I had seen and heard is all that God had done. He gave the conversation, He provided the opportunity, even had us pray for the opportunity which increased my faith when I saw it answered. Praise the Lord!

So much has happened since my last letter. I have traveled to other countries preaching and witnessing, had people hear the preaching and weep over seeing their sin, I have had my prayers answered for laborers, we have gained new support while loosing a few monthly supporters.

Sadly, we experienced the loss of my oldest son David Jr. a few days after New Years. He was found unresponsive one night and passed away. There were times my son and I would labor together, he would hold signs at the mill or help me pass out some gospel tracts downtown. There had been a season that stretched along time where David had been influenced by the world and it was costing him dearly. In the end, sin did what sin does. This has been the toughest time in my life, and even though months have passed, I really miss my son. The Lord is very kind. As I drove to where he was found the night we found out, it was as if the Lord was truly present with me in my car and I heard the voice in my head reminding me how, “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18

Moving to London ~

Yea, you read that correctly. Last year I spent nearly two weeks in the UK preaching at different locations throughout London with Sports Fan Outreach International. It was an absolutely amazing time. We did not just preach but were able to sit down with local pastors and missionaries. These men admonished us in the Word and gave us spiritual food for the day before we went to the trenches to preach.  

One great highlight was being able to attend the historic Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, the church of the late Charles Spurgeon. We attended a Sunday evening service to a packed sanctuary. Dr. Peter Masters is the main pastor and preached and seemed aged and frail. For me, I was not sure he would finish the sermon before being called to glory. Afterwards we were asked if we would like to me him, and we gladly accepted.

 After the service we were escorted to his study where we saw Spurgeon’s pulpit, letters owned by John Calvin, and a chair that once belonged to John Gill. The most memorable moment was meeting Mr. Masters. He was not the stuffy elderly gent I had perceived him to be. Instead, he was full of joy and humility. He was excited to meet these men who have come to his city to preach the Gospel. He took our questions and answered each of them. He shared his own personal testimony, his coming to faith in Christ and how he was called to be a pastor among other things. He was alive, a man who loved God and loved the people God has entrusted him to shepherd. It left a mark on me.  

We sat down with other faithful men as well who pastor and preach the Word. All of them seemed to have that love for the Word and for the people God has given them to minister to.

My time in London really left its mark on me at I was reminded of the simplicity of the Gospel. That through the simple means of praying and preaching, God glorifies Himself in the saving of sinners. That this most proclamation of what the jewel of heaven, Jesus Christ has accomplished is so simple, that to the world, it is considered foolishness, rubbish. However, to those God is saving, it is nothing of the sorts, to them it is the “power of God unto salvation (1 Corinthians 1:18).

London is a city that mimic’s Vanity Fair in John Bunyan’s Pilgrims Progress. Whatever your delight, you can have it. It was once a great steeple to the world that sent our missionaries, that produced men and women of God unashamed of the Gospel as to die for it. Today it is a city full of self-indulgence, pride, and worldliness. In the midst though there is a faithful remnant of God’s people. We met believers who made me feel lukewarm. Brothers in Christ who had this essence that was undeniable, they had been transformed by the power of the Gospel, they had met Christ. They expressed such gratitude and spoke how God had saved them through those simple means I refereed to. These were men and women not zealous for the traditions of men, but for God.

I met one brother who was passing out literature near where we preached. He was so joyful, so full of life. He used to be a Muslim in his former life. I asked him what had happened to him, how did God save him? I have not forgotten his answer. “I met Jesus!”  

Elsewhere, I met an elderly 92-year-old brother who had one day picked of the bible and read it. He told me, “Romans, all the bible is summed up in Romans.” He was a Jew and had married a Christian woman and believes today, Christ is Lord! He was so thrilled to hear the voice of His Savior through the preaching of the Bible by us Americans.  

We met many with the same testimony. “I heard the preaching, I heard the Word, I met Jesus.” It was so simple. The pastors and elders of local churches we met told us what London was like, what being a Christian was like there. We were presented with the simplicity of the Gospel to save. No pragmatism, they had tried that, and it did not work. We were told that America was 40 years behind Great Britain. They used to be as America is today, a nation of nominal Christians, but today, England’s largest religion is the “none” religion. Meaning, “I do not believe in nothing.”  

We experienced the truth of that as we had men people mocking us, calling for my arrest, looking at us with disdain, all as if we were mad men. What an amazing place to preach!  You do not have to get someone so called, “unsaved” to get them to believe in the real Christ. You do not have to deconstruct the false Christ many follow here, the “be a good person”, “live a good life”, “go to church or the devil will get you Christianity” but simply “tell all that God has done,” preach Christ!   

The Lord did many things during that time. I returned home, praying with my wife, my local pastor, and others about all I had seen, I found myself rejoining in His faithfulness and getting to know God more.   

Those days in the UK left a mark on me. I have prayed as I have noted with my family, my pastor, and some friends, but we are praying about the call to move to London to do open-air ministry there. My city needs Christ, my nation is wicked. But the Lord has placed it on my heart to preach Christ in the UK. There are so many people from every nation there. The Gospel is so simple, so powerful, I desire to go, stand, and preach where He leads me, to tell all that He has done. To preach at the local sporting events as we have done in the past. To leads local and teams that may come over through the city to preach in the open air. To work with my local church there and abroad to equip the saints.  

Please pray with us on this. I do not want to go because I had a great mission trip, but because the Lord sends me. I have prayed for open doors, for confirmation from the Lord. I have spoken to local pastors in the UK and in London. I have sought the wisdom and direction of my local pastors here. I desire a receiving church in London that would be my church family there. That would pray for me, hold me accountable, that would be supportive in having an open-air preacher apart of their congregation.  

I have been blessed to lead teams of saints to preach and love seeing people get out of their comfort zone. I would desire to see men and woman come and stay with us there and go preaching alongside me at the many spots the Lord provides.  

I have much in my heart about this. Might you just pray for open doors for my family and I as we pray for them as well, to preach the Gospel in London.  

A few things that I rejoice in sharing.  

I have prayed for years for laborers and the Lord heard my cry. I love witnessing with others, but nothing is like witnessing with your family, especially your church family. A season is upon us whereas a church we are going out and preaching and praying. We are holding evangelistic signs, fellowshipping, growing in the Lord together through this simple means of grace of corporate evangelism.  My brothers and sisters have seen people come up and request prayer, weep, and open their hearts. They have seen man’s depravity as even some people have become hostile toward the preaching, yelling and cursing, playing loud music to distract or drown out the preaching.  

They are seeing the heart of man displayed, what they once looked like when they walked in darkness.  Seeing that, may they have boldness and continue looking to Christ, sharing the Gospel without fear.

Praise the Lord for all that He does.  

In the coming weeks and months, we begin baseball season here and that will provide many regular opportunities to labor locally. I have a trip in May to preach with some brothers in Boston, at Harvard and the surrounding areas, as well as leading a team to Nashville in August. I hope to return to London in October as well.  

Thank you very much for your prayers and support. Please pray for more financial supporters. As you know many things cost a little more. The Lord provides though. Pray for opportunities to witness and to witness with my local church more. Pray for our trip to Boston, my prayer life and study time. For my family, that all my children may come to know Christ. We are working to adopt two of our grandchildren.

Please also, pray for open doors for London, especially a receiving church, what would we do with our home here and where would we live there, for the people the Lord will give us to witness to.

Bless you all,  

David Day.  

Here is a link to some pictures and videos for your enjoyment from our last trip to London. Enjoy!


As the Lord leads you, might you consider partnering with us monthly or through a one-time giving. It is greatly appreciated.

Make it your business to win souls!

This morning I sat on my front porch looking as my neighbors came out of their homes. Some were caring for their lawns, some heading to work, and some just sitting on the porch as I was. My neighbors are nice and don’t cause any trouble. If anyone is were considered the weird neighbor on my block, I gladly take credit for it. But I thought of my neighbors and what would happen if they died. From what I know about them, I think it would indeed be hell. Sad isn’t it? Not sad that they would be simply in hell for eternity, but that just I knowing the possibility of such a fate for them, I remained sitting on my porch with a dry eye. As I am guilty of allowing my own selfishness and pride in this area of disobedience to God, I pray He would change me in this area. While I love opportunities to make much of Christ through the sharing of His gospel, and by no way I am making an excuse, this area of witnessing to those who are close to me is an area that is a struggle.

Maybe you are not much different. Maybe you too struggle with talking with those around you about Christ or maybe you struggle with talking to everyone about Him.But laying all fears and lack of confidence aside, consider yourself and those around you. Consider your neighbors. Some maybe you have talked with, your kids play with their kids. Consider their souls!

Think of their souls! Think of the torment they will endure without Christ! Would you sit by if you saw armed men breaking into their house as they sleep in the night or would you with great haste notify the police and try to warn them? What man would just sit by as that occurred? Cowards I must say, men with no backbone! Harsh words indeed but is there just an once of truth in them?

Charles Spurgeon said that, “The winning of souls should be the chief business and main pursuit of every true believer.”  To win souls is what we should be our aim!  Not the corporate ladder to increase our portfolios. Not to be simply liked by others for our stature or abilities,but to win souls!  Proverbs 11:30 tell is as well that, “He that wins souls is wise.”

It should be done not from guilt telling ourselves that, “I must do this simply because this is my duty.” But from the example of Christ. What we need is a garden experience as Christ had. “Not my will but yours.” Luke 22:42 As Christ so willingly was ready to give His life to do the will of His father, so should everyone who say they follow Him!

As Christ cared greatly to see sinners saved, we should be imitators of Him. Ephesians 5:1.

The excuse of not knowing what to say comes from our poor judgment of priorities and laziness! We study with great diligence when it comes to preparing essays for school or reports for our employer or when it comes to remembering those football scores, if we would have the same enthusiasm when it comes to memorization of scripture and the learning to win souls!

Moses and Jeremiah both complained as men often do when given a task that seems so far beyond their knowledge. “Who am I.” ~ “I am just a kid.” ~ “I can’t speak” God’s reply to them is the same for you and I. “I have put my words in your mouth” Jeremiah 1:9. God will give words as we show obedience to His Great Commission. He will be with us. Indeed we should show ourselves approved and use God’s word to open the eyes of the sinner and speak of the full meal of the gospel, but ultimately, salvation is a work of God alone.
2 Timothy 2:15, Jonah 2:9

We are just the means by which God uses to take His lifesaving gospel to the ear of sinners and He then takes it from there to their hearts.

Again my friends, Show gratitude that you have escaped a darkness with no end, that Christ stands between you and the God’s bow. That Christ is your Redeemer and has swallowed all the wrath you deserve for your for your crimes against God upon Himself.  Show gratitude by making it your chief business and main pursuit to glorify God by the winning of souls!

May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward for His suffering,

David Day

Our preaching should be for God, not merely for souls

I walked downtown this afternoon and my thoughts became captive to the wonder of the souls of those I passed by.   “What of their soul?” I thought.    Are they saved?  Where might there eternal resting place be?  I was reminded of words spoken in a tract I had read earlier in the day.  It spoke of the torment of hell and all its fury.  How unpleasant the thought of hell is to me, as well as knowing that a good many people are going to end up there.  Just as I write these words now, I feel anguish in me knowing that so many that I know live an ungodly life and proudly proclaim a desire to be in hell, if not by their words but by the life they live.  Oh, woe to them….   

Hell is a great motivation to fire up any man to preach the gospel.  For what redeemed man desires for another to feel the wrath of the Almighty God, even if that person had committed vile and wicked deeds throughout his life with no sign of remorse?

It is with great cause that the preaching of Christ be done with urgency to rescue those that are perishing, to warn others of the wrath to come. That all men are guilty sinners, slaves to self and deserve every inch of hell and God’s entire wrath for every act of rebellion toward Him through sin.  Oh, the thought of the judgment come, woe are those who remain enemies of God.

While will do preach the gospel and have the desire to see men saved; we should not preach simply I say, to see men rescued from hell, but to glorify our Father in heaven, whether men be dammed or converted.

Any act of evangelism, the proclamation of the gospel, should be out of a desire to bring glory to our Holy and Just God first and foremost;  to see Him lifted high and holy above all else. Even if that means through our labors, we are never be granted the opportunity to experience the moment when one  repents  and trust Christ as Lord. It is all for His sake, not for theirs or ours.

I recall Christ as He prayed in the garden of Gethsemane, “Yet not what I will, but what you will.” Mark 14:36 Here Christ could have had legions of angels at His disposal, but He longed to please, to glorify His Father in Heaven, His desires should be ours as well as we long to be like Him.

In Matthew 22:34-40, Christ is speaking to the Pharisees. He was asked about of the law, “which is the greatest commandment?”  His reply was, “You shall love the LORD your GOD with all your heart, and with all your soul, and your entire mind,” noting as well that the second was to love your neighbor as yourself.

Here Christ clearly shows us that the greatest thing we are to do is to love our God with all we have and others as ourselves.  That He alone is to be first in all in all we do.

In 1 Corinthians 10:31, Paul writes in the text about all whatever we do, whether we eat or drink, do all for the glory of God.   Even in the text, Paul writes about the partaking of food, as simple and trivial to some that may be, even that should be done to the honor of God.

As these few scriptures state clearly, God is holy and is to be esteemed above everything else, even when it comes to the saving of souls.  If we obedient and loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind, then there will be nothing left for no one else, God gets it all, but out of our obedience , God gives us the desire to love others as He does.

Are we placing God second when we weep over the ignorance of men who refuse to repent? By no means. If we weep for souls, it is only because through His grace  that we have the desire for others to be saved.    If we have no such desire, what becomes of us?

Charles Spurgeon said that, “If you have no desire to see men saved, then you’re not saved yourself, be sure of that.”              

We should long for men to come to repentance; if we don’t then I would stress that we do not possess the desire to please God.  If you have not shed a tear or loss sleep at the thought of men going to hell, I worry for your soul.  As Christ longed for God’s will to be complete before His, so should our desire be.

Paul expressed great sorrow and anguish for the souls of men in Romans 9:1-4, so much as to be willing to give up his own salvation for those he considered his brothers.

I am speaking the truth in Christ, I am not lying; my conscience bears me witness in the Holy Spirit,  that I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, my kinsmen according to the flesh. “

Abraham in Genesis 18:22-33.  God was about to wipe the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah out, but Abraham is said to have stood before the Lord and pleaded with God to spare the cities if just ten righteous men were found in the city.

In Exodus 32, Moses had been gone for some time and the people of Israel believed Him to be dead so they fashioned a golden calf and worshiped it.  It is said that then God burned with anger and was about to destroy the people of Israel, then Moses steps in and implored of God to spare them.  And God did.

As these men showed longing for souls, as should we.   Never forget though that it is never our tracts, our sermons, our analogies, our labors that save men, but Christ and His cross.

As the thought of opportunities missed for me to share the gospel with so many riddles my mind, the thought that many may already be now as I write, experiencing wages earned for their sins, I weep for those I encounter when the sun rises.  May the God who is compassionate and forgiving, who is all knowing, give grace to each of us, for our lack of obedience to His Great Commission.  May all our labor to see men redeemed be in direct response to the grace we have been shown through the death and resurrection of Christ.  May we never sway or cower to the fear of man when it comes to the preaching of the gospel.   But with all diligence and effort, glorify God alone.

Light the darkness,



What do you preach at an event geared toward Christians? It involves a fire truck..

This past Friday evening, local Christian radio station Faith Radio hosted another Family Faith Night with the Montgomery Biscuits with a free Concert by Rush of Fools.   Like years in the past, to us, it was an opportunity to share the gospel and hopefully be of encouragement to other Christians on the importance of sharing your faith.

Joined along side of me was my good friend Rob Wysmulek, a veteran in some respects to street preaching and always a great encouragement to stand along side and share the gospel with. We planned our strategy and prayed that God would have His way with us and that our words would be His and would pierce the hearts of people and draw them to him causing them to be bold witnesses in His name.

Tracts from OneMillionTracts.com

Tracts from OneMillionTracts.com

After passing out some baseball trivia/gospel tracts, the sound of thunder and bit drizzle began to make us question if the Biscuits would have the chance to rise to a win or be rained out. The crowds were rather low and I began to pray for a crowd to preach what I had prepared and prayed about.

Much to my delight, a fire truck pulls up and parks right in the front of the building as part of a charity for Childrens  Hospital.  Rob and I both couldn’t help but see the springboard available and felt some encouragement for the evening that God was about to use us.  (You will see what I mean later on)

Not long after the fire truck arrived, the call to preach was heard.  The crowds had begun to form with the arrival of churches and youth groups from across the state.  Rob and I prayed once more and I found my spot and addressed the growing crowd.

I got the crowds attention by thanking them for coming out to Family Faith Night with the Montgomery Biscuits.   I quickly asked them that with a quick show of hands, how many were here with a church group or mainly because it was Family Faith Night?  With that a good show of hands, I had my queue.

I then proceeded with,

Hi, I am stranger. You may or may not know me.  Not once have we spoken.  I am your co-worker, your neighbor, the guy you sit next to at school.  I am the person who checks you out at the grocery store, the one who you pay when you fill up your car.  I am a stranger.  I am also not a Christian.  I don’t believe in God and I don’t know Jesus.  Maybe I am an atheist or just wondering.

Your Bible tells me though that people like me are lost.  That I have broken all of God’s Law, His righteous standard, The Ten Commandments.  That I am a lying, thieving, blasphemous, murderous, adulterer at heart.  Your Bible says as well that all liars, thieves and adulterers shall have their part in the lake of fire~ Revelation 21:8. I am on my way to HELL.   HELL is described as weeping and gnashing of teeth, where the worm never dies ~ Matthew 8:12, Mark 9:49.  Does it concern you that I could spend eternity in this place?

I ask each of you, if you really believe in this Bible and what it says and that I will perish, how much would you have to hate me not to tell me how to be saved?  Not to tell me about this Jesus you speak of so much.

Watchman Gospel Signs

By this point, the rain poured from the sky.  I found myself using a sign we witness with that reads,”Hate Crime – To Let Sinners Go To Hell Without Warning”  as an umbrella of sort and showing it to the crowds at certain points in the message.   I paced across the sidewalk trying to make sure all heard me as the crowds were held under the canopy trying to stay dry.

How much would you have to hate me not to tell me about Christ? I pressed this question a few more times to make sure it was embedded.  I wanted them to hear and feel how I felt, that I was on my way to Hell and I was concerned.  Tell me how to be saved!

The message is Good News.  How come we keep it to ourselves?  I pointed to the fire truck and the firemen that were standing nearby and made the point that if this building were on fire and people were trapped inside and if all these firemen did was sit comfortably in the fire truck and listen to their radio’s, they would not be very good firemen at all.

Our city,our country, the world is on fire and people are perishing.  What type of Christian’s are we, if we have this message and never tell anyone?   Look around you, every last person here has a 100% chance that they will die. 10 out of 10 people die, 150,000 people die each day.  Where will they go?  Does it concern you?

The Prince of Preachers

I shared a few quotes from the prince of preachers, Charles Spurgeon. “If people will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees.  Let no one go there unwarned and un-prayed for.”

If you have no desire, (pointing out desire), then you are not saved yourself, be sure of that.”

On continued on addressing the crowd, looking for those that seemed to be really listening and spoke at them as if my whole message was geared toward them.  My dear friends, look what Christ has done for us, look at the price He has paid, I said.  He left Heaven, came here and died a brutal death here, paying the fine for the sins we have committed. He did not have to do that. We should be more grateful.  Christ did all this for us.  If it was that important for Christ to seek and save the lost, shouldn’t it be just as important to us also?

I reminded them of the two ladies at the tomb on the Sunday after Jesus was crucified.  When the ladies found out that Jesus was not dead but that he was indeed alive, the text reads that they ran with fear and great joy to tell others ~ Matthew 28:8. At the same time, the disciples were hiding in fear because they thought Jesus was dead.  Jesus is alive, lets stop living as if He is still in the tomb.  He is not dead but alive!  Tell others, share your faith. I thanked the crowd for listening and joined Rob under the canopy out of the rain.

Rob preached a while later and I did once more, much the same but to a different crowd.  The rain came and went, but was not a hindrance,  but more of a blessing.  We had been informed on earlier occasions that we were allowed to witness in front of the stadium, we just had to stay on the sidewalk which was public property.   With the rain, we were driven under the canopy with the crowds and were able to speak to people more than we would have been able to if it was dry.

Rob and I both has our own conversations with people, sharing the gospel as the opportunity was given.  Not all were Christians and some such rejected what we had to say as some will do.  I shared some hand illusions and word stumblers with some of the younger youth that were there as we all waited together out of the rain.  Expressing to them the need to follow Christ and tell others about Him.

We set out that night, not to get decisions for Christ.   But to simply share the Gospel message the best we could in hopes though that God would be the one to draw people to himself.  Many approached us through out the night about the preaching and the tracts and wanted to know where they too could get the tracts we had and thanking us for what we were doing.   We made it known to them, exactly why were were there. That the message is to good to keep to yourself, and offered them some more encouragement to go back to their churches and communities and share their faith as well.

If you reading this and your a follower of Christ and you don’t share your faith, and you know you need to.  What is keeping you from taking that first step?    So many times we allow fear, doubt, and so many other factors to silence us and keep us from witnessing.  Many of which when we practice sharing our faith never happens.   Maybe your thinking that you can’t open air preach or pass out tracts?  Start where your at first, then progress to greater ways to witness as your practice sharing your faith.

Begin by praying and asking God to give you the courage and boldness to share your faith with everyone around you. Learn what the key to reaching the lost is.  What Paul calls a schoolmaster that leads a person to Christ ~ Galatians 3:24. This is very important.  Learn this and practice sharing it in the mirror or with a close friend.

Try passing out tracts at the market or laying them down at different places throughout the store.  Tracts are great that they can go places that you and I can’t go.  Into people houses and into the hands of those we may never meet.  Soon, if your lead to, maybe you will one day find yourself on a corner somewhere proclaiming the good news to all, as Jesus did.

There are so many opportunities given to us each day to glorify God by sharing our faith.  Whether going to the market or a baseball game, we just have to be looking for them and take them when they come, being a light with the Gospel in a dark world.   To learn more about the schoolmaster that leads a person to Christ , checkout our website on the bottom and follow the link to listen to Hell’s Best Kept Secret by Ray Comfort. There also you will find other tools and links to help equip you as you become faithful bearers of the Gospel.

Be well & Light the darkness~



What a street preacher does not look forward to…

In a few days, Montgomery Alabama, my hometown kicks off it’s Memorial Day celebration known as Jubilee Cityfest.   I have planned for this weekend for an entire year. Anticipating going out on the streets and practice sharing my faith along side a group of like minded individuals that have a desire to see men saved and God glorified.    

But tonight, a few days away from the Friday night kickoff of a two day event, I do not look forward to this weekend in which I have looked forward to all year long.   My week has been long filled with numerous hours of loss of sleep.  Stress that comes with responsibility of raising a family, and not to mention the spirit battle taking place as I try to be obedient to what Christ has commanded us all to do, and that is to share the gospel with everyone.

As I was trying to sleep, I thought about this event and some things that I dread to deal with and know that there is a possibility I may face them this weekend.  So I gathered a few things that come to mind that I and others do not look forward to when it comes to sharing our faith.

Some things a street preacher does not look forward to, in no particular order

  1. Having no one to witness to
  2. Being arrested for sharing your faith
  3. Being beat up or assaulted
  4. running out of tracts
  5. Open air mic going dead on you
  6. Loss of voice and can’t preach and do one 2 one’s
  7. No one shows up to witness with you
  8. Having people show up to witness with you and they witness like Joel Olsteen
  9. Fatigue or Thirst
  10. Blisters on feet
  11. Forgetting what to say
  12. Stuttering
  13. Sunburn
  14. Rain / Thunderstorms
  15. So-called Christians  ~ Witness with us and you will find out what I mean
  16. ?

“These rarely happen by the way so don’t freak out”

I’m sure many could add to this.  I’m sure that these are just a few reasons why people do not share their faith.   In actuality though, once we hit the streets, these are the last things on our minds.  Once we hit the streets our focus is not on what will I say or what if I get arrested, the focus is on Christ.   Sharing the good news that He died for our sins and rose from the dead. That he is alive.  That He calls all men to repentance.

It has been a few years since I began to share my faith.   At times I stutter, I have forgot what I had planned to say, I have been threatened with arrest, I have went home with blisters and thirsty and tired like you could not imagine. People have got up in my face and threw my tracts back at me and every bit if it has been worth it.  Because the gospel got preached and even if one person did not come to repentance and faith in Christ, God was pleased that someone cared to share His story.  Even also, when we share the gospel and God begins to draw a person to Himself  by using us, there is no greater joy that to see someone come to Christ and be saved.

To note as well, it is not our tracts that we have designed for the special events, or any eloquent speech we may give , but God that draws a person to Himself.  Sharing our faith is not merely about saving souls either.  Everything we do is about bring glory to God.  When he saves the worst of sinners and them uses that person to deliver His message, it speaks of how wonderful and awesome He truly is.   That is alone is God.

Join us this Friday & Saturday for Jubilee Cityfest. ( Follow this link to our Facebook page for this event ) Face those fears and focus on Christ who will give you words to say and strength in time of need.    If you can’t make it, find an event in your taking place in your town and proclaim the gospel to the lost and bring glory to our great God.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12

“Then the LORD stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me, “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.” Jeremiah 1:9-10

“Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11

In need of a little more motivation to witness?

Letter from an unsaved friend

My friend, I stand in judgment now, and feel that you’re to blame somehow. On earth I walked with you by day, and never did you show the way.

You knew the Savior in truth and glory, But never did you tell the story. My knowledge then was very dim. You could have led me safe to Him.

Though we lived together, here on earth, you never told me of the second birth. And now I stand before eternal hell, because of heaven’s glory you did not tell!

Light the darkness~



Why We Witness

Why Evangelize? An Analogy by EZ” Zwayne

A gentleman sat down one day with a street preacher and asked him why he does why he does. Why does he share his faith?

His reply was…

One day this guy was driving down the street and saw this dog wounded on the side of the road.
Moved with compassion, he pulled over and picked up the dog, put it in his car and took it home.
He then began to nurse it back to health, feeding it, bandaging its wounds and giving it affection and love.

About a week passes and the dog seemed to be perfectly healed, so the man placed the dog on the ground and the dog runs and scampers out the door and disappears.

The man thought,”What an ungrateful little creature!” I poured my life into this thing. I pulled it off the side of the road. I nurtured it, gave it love and affection and it just scampered off.

But his whole perspective changed an hour later when he heard a scratching at the door and he opened the door and saw that dog with another wounded dog along side it.

The reason why we share our tell others, why we share our faith is because we have been touched by the master, we have been healed by Jesus Christ.

We have experienced His love and His forgiveness and mercy.

We don’t do this to condemn people, but to tell them how to be forgiven, where to healed, where to be saved.


Not everyone does or will agree with those that witness or share their faith, especially those that share the message on the streets of their communities.

While not everyone has my experience, I have been cursed at, had people get up in my face, take a swing at me, threatened with arrest and many relationships cut off from me.  This doesn’t happen often by the way…

But none of this compares to when you are on the street and you share the gospel with someone and they get it. They understand and their eyes are opened and you know that God is working on that person. They get it!

It is not our tracts or clever words or interesting analogies that save a person, those are just instruments that our Lord uses to draw people to Him to save them.

“I can tell you that there is no greater joy than leading someone to faith in Jesus Christ. Even if they reject your message, it still feels great to obey Christ. Yet regardless of how we feel, we need to remember this is what He has commanded.” D. James Kennedy

“If sinners will be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies. And if they perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unprayed for.”
– Charles Spurgeon

So how many do you know that aren’t saved? What are you doing about?
If it was that important for Christ to seek and save the lost, shouldn’t it be just as important to us as well?

Go light the darkness~

Video of EZ sharing this analogy